
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Cherry blossom

She waits: the cherry blossoms will appear,
Marking the end of winter’s bitter bite.
Cherry blossoms don’t last long on the bough,
Perhaps five days and the flowers are gone.
Spendthrift winds shave them off swoopstake like stars:
A brief sun-made shadow-net on the ground,
A celestial deadfall cast on grass.  

She walks: the flowers could fall before full bloom.
She works her stick, a spring in her short step.
Proud like a rose, the pale-pink tree greets her,
Waves its canopy gently in the sky.
She knows the rains have given it deep roots.
She has deep roots here, her will to survive
Shaped and smoothed like pebbles on a lake shore.

She shows the tree her bony worked-hard hands.
She says sand-grains fine down into silt flats.
Eighty years making a farm from mountain,
She walks the leaf-fall of long memory.
She had heart-longed for a passionate love.
Her parents chose a man she did not know.
She loves the stories the sakura tells.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Null white

Snow blizzards have no
breadth, no height, no depth;
The space in your head
loses dimensions;
Gravity’s taut string
Slacks to elastic;
Land-level lines blur;
You have no sense
of what’s up or down,
of traversing round;
Your chin is chilled meat;
An avalanche could
Scour your existence;
The snow tricks your mind;
There are no way-marks
in the null white space;
You've no place to hide
save your exposed soul.


Tide-mark grit-lines beach-edge the sea-long road;
The road glows wet in the skiff-coils of rain;
The stump-shadows of hills are dull as dough;
Two choughs chatter red on a castle wall;
Yes, I know a single field holds the world;
If only I made time to be, and see
What I have not seen before or anew:
The silent sun-glitter of granite flecks;
The froth of whitethorn in whistling hedges;
The milky-pale peak in cloud-mist and snow.
I am now a vagrant skin finger-tracing
the silent soul-mask of your Noh-play face,
hearing the blank-ma-spaces between words.
You chant your true self in the second act.