
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Gunslinger's bible story

Gunslinger’s bible story

The flat-stone at the well is a doorframe
To tranquillity, a liminal place,
Where a girl may acknowledge her hero;
The well, a meeting place for the village,
Gives time to schmooze, to form first impressions;
Three women met their true loves by a well;

I know Rebecca bore a water jar
Filled full with fresh spring water from the well;
When she gave Abraham’s man Eleazer
A sip and watered his kneeling camels,
He selected her to be Isaac’s bride.

I know Rachel, whose name means ‘ewe’, walked sheep
To the well in the field where Jacob stood;
He was so smitten he rolled on his own
The heavy flat stone from the deep well’s mouth;
In a blink Rachel fell in love with him;
Jacob kissed her, lifted his voice, and wept.

I know Zipporah, a Midianate,
Met Moses at a village well;
He dealt with the shepherds who tried to stop
Her drawing water for her father’s sheep;
Her father Jethro asked him to break bread.
Three women met their true loves by a well.

Like Rowdy Yates, I waited by the well,
A step of true biblical proportions;
I wore a black waistcoat, chaps, a black hat,
Bandana, holster, belt, metal buckle,
leg ties, two six-guns, and a Winchester;
I was rawhide and gunslinger in one.

I know Jacob dressed up in Esau’s clothes;
Joseph wore a coat of many colours;
The Pharaoh dressed him in a linen coat;
Tamar dressed herself in a veil to trick
Judah into fathoming her cold womb;
But I was not suited up to deceive.

She came to fill her bucket at the well;
I wanted her to join my cattle drive;
She had not a sip for me or my horse;
Like Joseph was supposed to be I was:
Torn to pieces; she could not hear my heart;
Aged twelve, I learned to listen, not just see.

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